Thursday, January 22, 2009

Who on earth would name a liquor store Cat & Dog? Japan would, that's who.

Monday, December 8, 2008

This sign epitomizes Japan for me. This whole country seems to be on one big alcoholiday. Also, what a great name for a bar.

Do I really need to go over all the things that are wrong with this sign. Well, let me try. First of all, it's an Italian restaurant using no language that I can discern with an apostrophe in a place I've never seen before, and an incorrect spelling of "Ciao". Just think of all those Italians in Vespas yelling "Le Chao." It just isn't the same.

Japan, the nation of sensitivity. This bathroom is for handicapped people, old people, pregnant people, and fatties. Wonderful.

"Ride this spoon from the window of the 20th story. It will save you from this fire. JUUUUUUMP!!" I'm not sure that's exactly what they meant but it is the image I have in my head after seeing this sign.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

In the US, we call it the Rape of Nanking. Japan, well they have a different take on it.

Yes, that's Tommy Lee Jones. He's the lead sponsor for a brand of coffee called "BOSS". How fitting... Not the rainbow tho.

There really isn't too much to say other than, "Why is this company not bigger??" I'd go have a Bad Ass coffee everyday if they were as prevalent as Starbucks!

Who knew that Japan and the Far Right in America had so much in common?? See, Japan even believes in teaching creationism: dinosaurs walking the earth while Angels flying overhead.

This isn't over the top outrageous but I think someone just needs to teach Japan something about how acronyms are supposed to work. Yeah, technically this is correct but you just can't use an acronym for anything and everything you choose...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Have these people ever felt a cactus?!? "Paradise feeling" isn't really how I'd describe it...

This is for an advertisement for a company selling Tatami. For those of you who don't know what Tatami is, it's those straw mats that Japan uses and makes some of their floors out of. You can sorta see what it is by looking at the girl's apron. The ad says "We are a kind company to the environment!" Oh, and the girls have cat ears! Wonderful!

I just really like this sign... Too funny with the Red, White, and Blue in the background as well. Friendship St?? FRIENDSHIP ST?!?!?!

For all of you who ever wanted an Adam and Eve matching toothbrush set, this is for you!

I really don't think they get quite how racist this is. Whatever... LoL Japan.

Probably one of my all time favorites. It just really couldn't be much worse...

Before the jump in oil prices to the left and after the jump in oil prices on the right. Japan took it harder than we ever thought possible.

And these are the guys we are counting on to have our back when The Glorious Leader decides to test one of his nukes over Soeul?? Man, we're fucked...

In a country where Marijuana is very, very illegal (dear lord, a Russian Sumo wrestler was caught with ONE JOINT and now he's been banned from the sport and they are saying that he could go away for up to 5 years in a work/labor camp!!!), Japan still loves it's reggae and it's "Maple Leaves". You can't have real pot so you can buy a plastic plant of "Hemp" so that you can still pretend like you are growing it even if you don't really know that it's marijuana that you are pretending to grow.

Don't even know where to begin on this one... Let's see. There's the hole in the nipple that is for putting a straw through, I think, and the mug is entire useless cuz the area where you drink out of is so awkward that you'd spill hot coffee all over yourself. What makes this even funnier is that it was in a slightly goofy but still fairly serious store with Micky Mouse stuff down the aisle before it and childrens' racing tracks in the aisle after it.
So, I guess Japanese women are just born without mouths! Why didn't we think of this in the West!?!

First Entry

Well, this is my first entry... I got the idea for this initially because while here, my friends and I would have to pause and just say, "Wow, LoL Japan!" all the bloody time! This country truly is quite ridiculous and I love being here so enjoy the pictures. I'm gonna make a commitment not to post things that I just find online but post things that I find myself in my travels.
